domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013


The multiple intelligence theory suggests that no one set of teaching strategies will work best for all students at all times. Although each person posseses all seven intelligences, most people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of it. In my case I personally succeed in finding that I posses the Bodily-Kinesthetic and Interpersoal intelligences.

The first one means that I need to think through somatic sensations, meaning that I love dancing, drawing, visualizing, etc. and that I need a role play, drama, movement, something to build up, sports, tactile experiences and hands-on learning.

On the other hand, Interpersonal means that i need to think by bouncing ideas off other people, and it also menas that I love leading, organizing, relating, manipulating, meaditing, etc. which is true. I really need friends, groups games, community events, clubs, etc, to be completeley happy.

So, to conclude, I personnaly think that teachers need to use a broad range of teaching strategies with their students, because for me for example is not the same way to learn needed than another student. Like William Spady said, "All students can learn and succeed, but not all on the same day in the same way".